Year: 2023

27 Jan 0

Why is Your Furnace Leaking Water?

Have you recently noticed water pooling around your furnace? If so, you may be wondering what’s going on. Several issues, including a clogged condensate line or a broken heat exchanger, can cause a leaking furnace. This blog post will look at the common causes of furnace leaks and how to fix them. 

Common Causes of Furnace Leaks

Have you recently noticed water pooling around your furnace? If so, you may be wondering what’s going on.

Condensate Line Clogs 

The most likely cause of a leaking furnace is a clogged condensate line. The condensate line removes moisture from your system as it runs. Over time, the line can become clogged with dirt and debris, resulting in water backing up and eventually spilling out of your unit.


To fix this issue, you need to find the source of the blockage and clear it out using a hose or brush. If Read the rest

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