What is the Best Garage Heater

What is the Best Garage Heater

What is the Best Garage Heater

Many options are available for heating your garage, regardless of whether it is attached or detached. It is essential to consider the cost and which heat source will best suit your needs.

Why is it important to heat my garage?

Heating your garage is something many people consider a waste of time as they don’t use it often. It may be worthwhile if your garage is an entrance point to your home. It’s not excessive work, even though it may seem. These are three things you should consider:

  • Protect any water pipes that run through your garage from freezing if they are not adequately insulated. A heater can solve this problem during the winter months.
  • If your garage isn’t heated, you’re letting cold air in your home. The cold air makes it less comfortable and harder for your heating system to reach the desired temperature.
  • People who love to work in their garage may miss out on valuable hobby time during the winter months. You can make use of the space all year round with heat sources.

Questions to Ask Before You Buy

These are the essential questions to ask when considering a heating system. 

Is there enough space?

The critical question is how ample the space will be. Not all heat sources work the same. You don’t want to have a massive heater in your garage or, worse, a system that isn’t heating enough. Finding the right system will be much easier if you know how much heat is needed.

What do you pay for the garage?

Are you using the garage for storage, or is it primarily used? Are you just parking your cars there? You might consider a less expensive heating system if you don’t spend much time in your garage. You should consider upgrading to a mid-range heating system if you spend a lot of time in the garage.

Are you interested in cooling systems for summer?

You might not be able to use your garage during the summer months if you live in an area with high summer heat and humidity. It may be more helpful or enjoyable if you keep the garage cooler and control the moisture.

4 Heating Options for the Garage

#1 – The Classic Wood Stove

People living in remote places rely on wood or corn stoves for heat. Detached garages work well for this type of heat as they are farther away from home and pose less risk to the rest. There are regulations in some areas about the type of wood stoves that you can use.

To heat your garage, always use dry and clean firewood. Although the old two-by-fours from your last project may seem like a good fuel source, these treated materials can emit many chemicals that won’t burn long.

Clean the stove frequently, and the chimney should be cleaned every few months.

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# 2 – Propane, natural gas

Natural gas can already be used in your home, so adding it to your garage will be easier. You can add natural gas to your home with a direct-vent or unvented system.

Direct venting is the best way to heat your garage. Not only are they efficient, but they also filter out any harmful odours or emissions.

#3: What about electric heating?

There are many options available for electric heating in your garage. Portable heaters are available if you don’t have the space or want to install an extensive system. You can heat your garage with permanently installed baseboard heaters. You can choose from various voltages to make it easy for you to find the right size system for your space.

Because they are easy to install and operate, electric heaters are a great option. You don’t have to worry about filters, chimney cleaning, or other inconveniences. You will need to pay for electricity for the heater. Make sure you choose an affordable heating system.

You can install electric heaters almost anywhere. Typically, you find them on walls and ceilings. However, there are many other ways to do it. You can choose where the heating system should go depending on your preference and intended use.

Install your heater on the ceiling at a 45-degree angle to the floor to ensure that heat doesn’t escape and it won’t waste money.

#4 – Perhaps extend our HVAC system.

Heating your garage with an extension to your existing system is a cost-effective way to heat it. You might be able to save money if you already have a central heating system in your home. You can save energy in every room of your house by incorporating this technology into your HVAC system.

What do I do with my garage door?

Garage doors are the fourth wall of another universe. Your garage door should be weather-tight and look great. Your garage door must be adequately insulated to withstand summer and winter heat.

Are you familiar with the R-value and U values of your garage doors? Do you think they are enough to keep the cold out of your garage? Find out more about the most popular insulation types for garage doors.

Before adding a heating system, your garage door may need to be repaired or refreshed. You might need to replace the weather seals.

To fully appreciate the benefits of your heating system, you need to ensure that you have the best garage doors.

Irma Willis


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